2020 Summer Conference

August 5-9, 2020

Coming Forward into the Most Holy Place and Perfecting Holiness

“… just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love” (Ephesians 1:4).

Conference Outline: English | Chinese | German | French

Some illustrations of the tabernacle and the ark of the testimony: Download

Message 1 – Introduction: English | Chinese | German | French
Message 2 – The Path of Holiness: English | Chinese | German | French
Message 3 – The Holy Nature of God’s Dwelling Place: English | Chinese | German | French
Message 4 – The Service of the Golden Incense Altar: English | Chinese | German
Message 5 – The Day of Atonement: English | Chinese | German | French
Message 6 – The Mercy Seat: English | Chinese | German | French
Message 7 – The Tablets of Testimony: English | Chinese | German | French
Message 8 – The Budding Rod of Aaron: English | Chinese | German | French
Message 9 – The Hidden Manna: English | Chinese | German | French
Message 10 – The History of the Ark: English | Chinese | German | French
Message 11 – Conclusion: English | Chinese | German | French